VITAC is thrilled to sponsor this year’s CBCcon (the Colorado Broadband & Communications Conference), a local government-focused conference on broadband law and policy, cable and wireless policy and regulation, technology initiatives and advancements, and video production.
The conference features workshop sessions as well as a number of discussions and panels related to communications, technology, regulation, and legislation, including a “Closed Captioning and You” panel. That panel will discuss, among other things, the benefits and legal and regulatory requirements for closed captions, and the ease of adding captions to a variety of content.
Additionally, VITAC will be exhibiting on the conference floor, and representatives will be on hand to answer captioning-related questions.
CBCcon is a presented by the Colorado Communications and Utility Alliance, which represents members in matters related to policy development, legislative and regulatory advocacy, education, technology, and programming.
CBCcon will be held tomorrow (Oct. 18) in Littleton, Colorado’s Falls Event Center.
Please click here for more information on all of VITAC’s offerings.