Accessibility at VITAC

VITAC’s commitment to accessibility is demonstrated through our technology and services, workforce, workplace, and business practices. As an accessibility partner, we take an inclusion-first approach in all we do. We endeavor to keep our team abreast of the latest developments in accessibility legislation and guidelines.


VITAC is on a mission to create a more accessible world for all individuals. We strive to achieve this globally through many avenues, including:

  • Presenting to various organizations and industries about creating accessible environments
  • Supporting organizations through charitable programs
  • Volunteering and serving alongside organizations that are creating inclusive experiences

As the standards for accessibility continue to evolve, supporting accessibility requires a vigilant and multi-faceted approach. Outlined below is VITAC’s Information and Communications Technology Accessibility Policy with key approaches that VITAC leadership has taken to offer accessibility to our site visitors and partners utilizing our solutions.


Website Accessibility

VITAC is committed to taking steps to reach WCAG 2 Level AA for our website and digital content. Our site was designed to allow for compatibility across different devices and browser applications.


Player Accessibility 

VITAC is a leader in media accessibility and is trusted by media entities, universities, and businesses to ensure the services they’re being offered support full accessibility to their consumers. Our ICS Player is WCAG 2.0 compliant – please contact us for details.


Event Accessibility 

VITAC provides live captioning for all real-time events and webinars. Plus, we add post-production captions and transcripts to recorded event content and videos. 


Workplace Accessibility 

VITAC ensures that accessibility is provided internally for our employees. A core part of our onboarding process includes training employees who join our team on important accessibility practices and policies. This established culture allows us to best serve organizations utilizing our captioning, transcription, audio description, and translation solutions to make their workplace and remote work processes more accessible and inclusive. 

Accessibility Response

VITAC welcomes feedback on the accessibility of its website and services. While accessibility issues are rare, we encourage users to reach out to our support team if any issues or barriers are encountered. Our team will work to resolve issues and ensure that accessibility needs of site viewers and customers are met in a timely manner. Should you uncover elements of our site or materials which are not accessible to you or others, we encourage you to contact us at so we may address them as quickly as possible.