VITAC provides accessible solutions for audio and video content for municipal and county governments and federal agencies through our expert teams and purpose-built captioning and transcription solutions.
We are actively involved in accessibility legislation, always seeking ways to help clients, consumers, and the community stay current with − and benefit from − the latest regulations. We offer ADA and Section 508 compliance solutions via our fast, cost-effective, and accurate services.
We work with governments and municipalities, captioning everything from school board meetings to city councils to state legislatures. Our new digital evidence transcription service is built specifically to meet the unique demands of law enforcement and transcribe all manner of legal media, including police interviews, dashboard and body-worn camera footage, and 911 calls, among other things.
VITAC’s proprietary AI captioning solution, Captivate™, combines industry leading technology, customized dictionaries, and decades of captioning experience.
Not ready for ASR? Our experienced human steno and voice captioners continue to lead the industry in best practices and solutions.
Our live captions are used by:
All Captivate captioned events include generative AI summaries, insights, and keywords.
Automated captioning – learn moreFor more than 35 years, VITAC has specialized in accessibility and transcription for municipal and county governments and federal agencies ─ including the Centers for Disease Control, Loudoun County, Va., City of Hollywood, Ca., Cook County, Il., Fulton County, Ga., and the Oregon Department of Health, just to name a few ─ helping them provide equal access to public meetings and events in compliance with ADA and other regulations.
We put our customers first and offer a full suite of access solutions, supported by professional human captioners and transcribers and advanced AI and technology. We also make it easy to work with us.
GSA: GS-35F-0220X
DUNS: 797908332
Questions? Reach out to us at
Interesting in learning more? Contact us for more details on the solution that best meets your needs.
You know that disaster can strike anytime. Making sure your audio and video communications are always accessible should be a part of every disaster preparedness plan.
Accessible communications ensure that all of your constituency will be able to receive important and timely emergency updates when disaster strikes.
From crisis broadcasts to county commission meetings to public health agencies to local community events and everything in between, VITAC can ensure that your messages reach your entire audience.