VITAC ebook: ‘How Accessibility Can Get Your Show on the Top of Everyone’s Watch List’

Jan 20 2022 Laura Swanson
ebook cover Entertainment for All showing friends watching TV

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The number of networks, cable channels, and streaming platforms that make up the modern era of television means that it’s easier than ever for viewers to find entertainment right at home.

But more options for viewers means media and entertainment creators, executives, and producers have more competition than ever to get to the top of everyone’s watch list. Television producers, content creators, and entertainment professionals like you work hard to create binge-worthy content and you can’t afford to miss out on potential viewers due to a lack of accessibility.

What if we told you there’s one easy way to make jokes seem funnier, make poignant moments more memorable, and increase your viewership by as much as 20%?

Two people looking at the Entertainment for All eBook on an iPadVITAC’s new ebook, “Entertainment for All: How Accessibility Can Help Keep Your Show on the Top of Everyone’s Watch List,” can help make your show buzz-worthy. In it, you’ll learn how captions benefit all viewers and how you can increase viewership by making your programs and video accessible.

Topics include:

  • Tips on finding the right accessibility provider.
  • Why captioning is only part of the accessibility solution.
  • The pitfalls of leaving your captioning jobs solely in the hands of automatic speech recognition programs.
  • How subtitles and dubbing have boosted viewers around the world.

Download our free ebook here.