Ease of Ordering, Client Service Rank High on VITAC Customer Survey

Aug 6 2019 David Titmus
Man filing out a customer survey response

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We’re usually not one to toot our own horn, but we’re thrilled to share the results of a recent customer survey that showed an overwhelming majority of survey respondents gave us high marks and are extremely satisfied with the captioning and accessibility services that we provide.

VITAC logo on a television setWe sent surveys to more than 100 clients this summer. The surveys asked for honest opinions on our realtime (live), offline (prerecorded), and ICS (Internet Captioning Services) offerings and support and service teams.

General questions touched on the overall satisfaction of VITAC services; how well VITAC’s support staff meets client needs; the ease of ordering captions; and the likelihood of recommending VITAC to others.

Captioning-specific survey questions included how VITAC responds to last-minute requests; our 24/7 tech support; caption upload time and turnaround time; caption file delivery methods; and the manner in which captions are delivered from our traffic department.

We’re proud to say that we received overall top marks across the board, with clients ranking VITAC particularly high regarding:

  • The ease in ordering captions
  • Project turnaround time
  • Caption file and video delivery methods
  • Client communication
  • Secondary services (such as files and refeeds)
  • Troubleshooting and issue resolution
  • 24/7 tech support
  • Handling reformats, fixes, and last-minute changes

The majority of clients surveyed also said the quality of VITAC’s services was “excellent,” and that they were “very satisfied” with our service offerings. Additionally, respondents said that VITAC’s support staff meets their needs “extremely well” and that they were “extremely likely” to continue using us for their captioning and accessibility needs.

We appreciate everyone who took the time to respond and share their thoughts and feedback with us.

And though we earned high marks on the survey, we have no intention of resting on our laurels. We know that our clients and customers expect only the best from us, and we’re going to work hard in continuing to bring only the highest quality captions and superior client service.