VITAC Technology, People Unmatched in Captioning Industry

Feb 18 2020 David Titmus
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A leader in accessibility services for more than 30 years, VITAC is a full-service captioning company with skilled engineering, technology, and production departments, supported by a robust, technically sophisticated infrastructure.

We have the best available and proven technology to solve a wide variety of captioning and accessibility challenges.

Our network, operating platforms, and facilities are robust, scalable, fully mature, and thoroughly tested, and we’re continually taking steps to improve our already top-notch captioning and accessibility services, providing greater reliability for caption clients and viewers.

It’s the reason we handle some of the most significant events in the corporate and media and entertainment worlds, like the Olympics and large-scale conference and business gatherings.

We helped to develop the standards for captioning and subtitling, as well as many of the systems used to create, encode, and decode captions. This deep experience ensures that clients receive the highest levels of technical assistance, along with the best, most efficiently produced, and stylistically consistent captions.

As a captioning industry pioneer, we have the experience and know-how to answer all your questions and respond to each accessibility need.

Shot of people working to produce captionsAnd though our technological capabilities are a real strength in the industry, our employees are our biggest asset. These include captioning professionals, schedulers, coordinators, engineers, technical support, and administrative staff who are committed to providing not only the highest-quality captions, but the best 24/7 customer service.

Nothing is more important than our clients, and we take pride in our ability to ensure that they always are on the air with captions, creating redundancies and duplications for each of our captioners and our facility.

Our staff includes many long-time industry professionals, and our dedicated client services team is a one-stop point of contact for all scheduling, coordination, pricing, and production-related needs.

We are the largest and most trusted provider of accessible media services in the United States for a reason. We go the extra mile to make sure every client is covered, from the largest media companies to the smallest start-ups. Contact us with any questions, or to learn more about the services we offer.